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Read “Challenges and Delights: Fishing the Susquehanna at Steelton in 1943” by D. W. McGary (Summer 2007)
Curator's corner

Mouse bass fly
Wooden fly in form of a mouse…see more.

Jose Wejebe with Flip Pallot
Jose with Flip Pallot on an airboat, Wejebe holding a largemouth bassn…see more.

Patriotic bass bug made by Joe Brooks
Novelty fly with American flag…see more.

H. M. Hunter fly tying vise design drawings
Collection of 22 drawings and technical sketches for design of fly tying vise components…see more.

Carded Black Bass Fly, circa 1890s
Gut eyed bass fly on card, Blue Belle pattern, trade mark logo…see more.

W. Duke Sons & Co. Cigarette Card
Muskallonge, from the series Fishers and Fish (N74) for Duke brand cigarettes…see more.