“I Was Born to Fish”/Lee Wulff on the Beaverkill
120 Days
17th Annual World Fly Fishing Chamionships
3M Sportsman’s Video Collection
A World of Fishing
Advanced Fly Casting with Doug Swisher
Advanced Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead with Lani Waller
Advanced Strategies for Selective Trout with Doug Swisher
All New Fly Casting Techniques
Alagnak Acrobats
Alpine Bass
The Amazon Castaway
AMFF Exhibit on Julio T. Buel
AMFF Peter Corbin Exhibit
Anatomy of a Trout Stream
Anglers All Exhibit San Franciso
Argentina Trout with Jim & Kelly Watts
A World of Fishing with Lee Richardson
Bahamas Bonefish with Jim & Kelly Watts
Basic Bass Lessons for Fly Fishermen (and those who would like to learn)
Basic Fly Casting with Doug Swisher
Basic Fly Tying Techniques with John Massey
Bass. Amazon Peacocks & Main Smallmouths
Bass in the Forest
Beginnings: An Introduction to Fly Fishing by Mel Krieger
Belize: A Fly Fishing Fantasy
The Best of New Zealand’s North Island with Jim and Kelly Watts
Big Horn River Montana with Jim & Kelly Watts
Bill Mooney in With a Dog’s Eyes
Blackfoot River Montana with Jim and Kelly Watts
Bow River Adventure with Gary Borger
Bray’s Island Plantation
Bristol Bay Rainbows with Jim & Kelly Watts
British Columbia Steelhead and Kamloops Trout with Jim & Kelly Watts
Burlington Auction Dinner
Catching More Steelhead with Jim Teeny
The Challenge of Giant Tarpon with Billy Pate
Channel 5 Museum Academy
Chasing Silver
Christmas Island Video Present by Frontiers
Colorado trout on the Gunnison River with Jim & Kelly Watts
Common Thread
Conservationist Ed Zern on CNN
Costa Rica Fly Fishing Paradise with Jim & Kelly Watts
Creative Rod Crafting parts 1 and 2
Delaware River Trout with Jim & Kelly Watts
Digger: Portrait of a Bamboo Fly Rod Maker
Doc of the Drakes
Donny Beaver’s Paradise Outfitters
Eastern Rises
The Essence of Fly Casting by Mel Krieger
The Essence of Fly Casting II by Mel Krieger
The Essence of Spey Casting by Mel Krieger
The Fabulous Bighorn with Gary Borger
Feeding Time
Fishing: A Vermont Experience
Fishing Crustaceans and Snails with Gary Borger
Fishing Damsels and Dragons with Gary Borger
Fishing in the Land of Enchantment
Fishing the Fly
Fishing the Dry Fly with Gary Borger
Fishing the Midge with Gary Borger
Florida’s Bonefish and Tarpon
Fly Casting with Lefty Kreh
Fly Fishing: The English Way
Fly Fishing for Billfish with Billy Pate
Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead with Lani Waller
Fly Fishing for Trophy steelhead with Lani Waller
Fly Fishing for Trout
Fly Fishing in Bariloche
Fly Fishing Magic with John Fabian
Fly Fishing the Upper Delaware For American Shad
Fly Fishing with Bob Jacklin
Fly Fishing with Bob Jacklin Vol 2
Fly Fishing Television Magazine
Fly Rods In The Bayou
Fly Rod Stripers with Bob Benson
Fundamental Fly Tying with Dick Talleur
Gangsters of the Flats
The Garrison Fly Rod
Gray’s Sporting Journal 101 Atlantic Salmon
Hal Janssen’s Fly Fishing Secrets: The Wet Fly and Nymph
Hal Janssen’s Fly Fishing Secrets
Handcrafting Effective Flies: Saltwater
Handcrafting Effective Flies: Trout
Hewitt on the Neversink
Hohe Schule des Fliesenwezfens mit H.R. Hebelsen
Home Waters
Hooked on Fly Fishing: The Bonefish School Bahamas
Hooked on Fly Tying: Spinner Deer Hair with Chris Helm
The International Fly Fishing Center with Charlie Brooks
Introduction to Fly Fishing
Isla Mujeres… Sailfish and White Martin
Joseph Gordon Butorac, Steelhead Guide
Joseph Gordon Butorac, Steelhead Guide with Jim and Kelly Watts
Kings of Ayakulik with Jim and Kelly Watts
LL Bean Outdoor Photography with Lefty Kreh
Leaping Dandies with Lee Wulff
Lee Wulff Champion Angler
Lee’s Ferry with Jim and Kelly Watts
Lefty’s Tips, Tactics & Techniques for Fly Fishing Volume 1
Lefty’s Tips, Tactics & Techniques for Fly Fishing Volume 2
Lefty Krey’s Light Tackle Tips
Lefty Kreh in Australia and New Guinea
Lefty Kreh on Fly Casting
Lefty Kreh Saltwater Fly Tying
The Loons on Golden Pond
Masters of Fly Tying presents: The Tying Techniques of Bob Clouser & Lefty Kreh Miramichi Alantic Salmon with Jim and Kelly Watts
Mighty Waters
Montana Trout & the Nature Conservancy
My First Tarpon with Lee Wulff
My Mom Vala
The Nature of Australia
Next Gen
Northeast Saltwater Flyfishing with Capt. Jeff A. Northrop
Northern Pike with Jim and Kelly Watts
Norway ’62 and ’67 with Lee Wulff
Nymphing with Gary Borger
Olympic Trout on Alberta’s Bow River
On The Fly
Oregon’s Woods & Williamson River with Jim and Kelly Watts
Orvis-How to Tie Dry Flies
Orvis-New England Outdoors
Orvis Sporting Life with Rick Ruoff
Patagonia Trout with Jim and Kelly Watts
Pay to Play Stillwater Trout with Jim and Kelly Watts
Primetime News-Fly Fishing
Ralph Moon
Red Gold
Reel Adventures of Hank Patterson
Renseson Reception and Flag Raising at the American Museum of Fly Fishing
Richard at Richard’s
River Pacific Salmon Fishing Techniques.
Rivers to the Sea
Rod & Reel Streamside Demo Tape with Don Meissner
Running Down the Man
Running the Coast
Sailfish Costa Rica with Jim and Kelly Watts
Salmon Fishing on Cain River in New Brunswick
Saltwater Flycasting: 10 Steps to Distance and Power
San Juan and Delores with Jim and Kelly Watts
Scientific Anglers Fly Fishing Made Easy Featuring Bass
Silver Creek & A Cousin Down Under
Snake River Salmon
Sockeye Salmon with Jim and Kelly Watts
South Island Browns New Zealand
Spanish Fly—all available episodes
Strategies for Selective Trout with Doug Swisher
Super Hatches/A Fisherman’s Guide to Fly Hatches East of the Mississippi with Carl Richards and Dick Pobst
Tarpon, Snook & Guapote with Jim and Kelly Watts
Tarpon the Silver King
Techniques for Tying Saltwater Flies, Tarpon and Bonefish
Three Men, Three Rivers
The Tie that Binds
To Labrador for Brook Trout with Lee Wulff
Today’s Sportsman Presents Fly Fishing the San Juan River
Trophy Brook Trout
Trout & Salmon Foundation
Trout in Stillwaters with Gary Borger
Trout of the Tundra with Gary Borger
Trout Unlimited Prsents Legends of the Au Sable
Tying Attractor Flies with Doug Swisher
Tying Blue Winged Olives with A.K. Best
Tying Caddis & Midges with A.K. Best
Tying Caddis Flies with Shane Stalcup
Tying Dry Flies with A.K. Best
Tying Hatch Simulator Flies for Selective Trout with Doug Swisher
Tying Mayflies with Shane Stalcup
Tying Trout Flies/The Essence of Fly Casting 11 Advanced FC
Tying Trout Flies with Gary Borger
Tying Western Dry Flies with Mike Lawson and Jack Dennis
Tying Western Dry Flies with Jack Dennis
Tying with CDC with Shane Stalcup
Utah’s Green River Trout with Jim and Kelly Watt
Valvoline Presents Fishing Trips with Roland Martin
Venezuela Tarpon and Bonefish
Walker’s Cay Chronicles “Albacore Tuna 95”
Walker’s Cay Chronicles “Canada Pike 95”
Walker’s Cay Chronicles “Wreck Fishing”
Washington’s Secret Monster Trout with Jim and Kelly Watt
The Way of a Trout
Western Fly Fishing Show
Where The Bay Becomes The Sea
Where The Trout Are with Gary Borger
The Wilderness World of Sigurd F. Olson
Yesterday’s News