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Read “The Great Bonefish Confusion” (Forest & Stream, 1920)

A large expanse of water reflects the sky and clouds. On the right side two people stand on a skiff, one on the deck and one on the poling platform.

Watch “Chasing Silver”

A video screenshot of a map of Costa Rica.

Watch “Costa Rica Fly Fishing Paradise" with Jim & Kelly Watts

Read “Of Baseball and Bamboo: Bobby Doerr, Ted Williams, and the Paul H. Young Rod Company” by John A. Feldenzer (Fall 2005)

Read “Where the Action Is” by Graig Spolek (Summer 1987 and Winter 1988)

Curator's corner


Fly and leader stretcher box used by Andy Mill
Wood suitcase-style box with pre-tied tippets and flies…see more.


Seamaster Dual-Mode Saltwater Fly Reel
Aluminum 1 piece frame integrally machined with pillars, anodized gold…see more.


Watching the Sink – Permit
Two permit watching a crab…see more.


ViseGrip vise customized by Lefty Kreh
Vise grip welded on to rod and to base…see more.


Harold Gibbs Striper Bucktails
7 Striper Bucktails, framed…see more.


W. Duke Sons & Co. Bonito cigarette card
c. 1888…see more.


Tarpon flies with leader used by Billy Pate
Group record for 6 offshore flies with leader…see more.


Lee Wulff’s personal compact scissors
Uniroyal Slip-n-Snip scissors in brown leather case stamped gold, with manufacturer instructions…see more.


Fin-Nor Wedding Cake Fly Reel, c. 1960
Model No. 3, Serial No. 910…see more.