The entryway to the new AMFF gallery at the Wonders of Wildlife, including a welcome panel and a tribute to Leigh Perkins.

Fly Tying and Casting Workshop at WOW

On Saturday, February 22, the Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers…

A smiling bearded man sits in front of a fly tying vise, holding up a yellow streamer fly.

Highlights from the EventAmidst the amity of the Edison Fly…

The One Fly Tournament has a long and rich history: a tradition of community,…

About the Honoree A globally recognized pioneer in the…

The American…

About the HonoreeThe Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation spearheads…

Andy Mill, seated on a bench affixed to a boat, leans back as he attempts to reel in an unseen saltwater fish. Given the deep bend in his rod, it's clearly a sizable catch.

The 2023 Heritage Award Honoring Andy Mill

About the Honoree Andy Mill has led a sporting life with few contemporaries.…

The entryway to the new AMFF gallery at the Wonders of Wildlife, including a welcome panel and a tribute to Leigh Perkins.

About the EventOn Saturday, November 11, AMFF hosted a Night at the Museum at…

On August 12 the…

Fly Tying Workshop at WOW

AMFF partnered with the Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers Club to…