The 2015 Heritage Award Honoring Tom Brokaw
About the Honoree Highlights of the NightThe American Museum of…
The 2016 Heritage Award Honoring Ted Turner
About the Honoree Highlights of the NightThe American Museum of…
The 2018 Izaak Walton Award Honoring Rachel Finn
About the HonoreeRachel truly embodies Walton’s ideal of the “compleat” angler.…
The 2019 Izaak Walton Award Honoring Tom Rosenbauer
About the Honoreeby Paul Schullery The breadth and depth of Tom Rosenbauer’s…
The 2020 Izaak Walton Award Honoring Flip Pallot
Flip Pallot is often referred to as a total outdoorsman, which is most…
The 2019 Heritage Award Honoring President Jimmy Carter and the late President George H.W. Bush
About the Honorees Highlights of the NightThe American Museum of…
Bobby Doerr, Half-Pounders, the Rogue River, and a Love of Fly Fishing: Memorial to a Friend
By John A. Feldenzer Bobby on his porch with the author and an…
Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary in New York City
Highlights of the NightA crowd of more than 120 people gathered at the Racquet…
The Ambassador Files: Mousing
Peter Jaacks was raised casting a fly rod and rowing a raft down the rivers of…