What was your first fish you remember catching?
As kids we would go down to the rocks in Maine near our house and fish for stripers. Far and away my earliest memory is navigating the waves/rocks to reel in my first striper without getting washed away.
Who or what got you started in fly fishing? Why fly fishing?
My family. Often, as kids, we would all go on trips together and fish all over. As kids, each of us got to go on a trip to fresh or salt water. Combining being outdoors with the gratifying feeling of hooking a fish on the end of your rod was enough to get me, and my siblings, sold on the idea.
What was your best day fishing or what do you consider to be a great day on the water?
While there are many days that compete for the title of “best day fishing”, it would have to be a day at Los Roques in Venezuela, one of my first fishing for tarpon and permit, where I was lucky enough to Grand Slam

Albert and his father, David, show off a bonefish and a tarpon double-hookup.
Ok, now the flipside: What was your worst or craziest experience fly fishing?
While down at the North Riding Point Club, poling down the shore, we stumbled upon an injured dog that had been stung by a stingray. We abandoned our afternoon of fishing to rescue the dog from the sandbar and bring it back to shore to be taken to the vet. The next morning we were happily informed of its survival!
Everyone has the “one that got away”. Some have many. Tell us about yours.
In British Columbia I was fishing with my father on a trip in my teenage years. I had managed to land one of the largest Brown Trouts either of us had encountered. Upon landing the fish I was instructed to hold it up for a kiss to commemorate the moment, but before a photo could be taken I was snapped in the nose and the fish slipped through my hands. The only photo that remains of the splash of the fish re-entered the water.
Why did you join the Anglers’ Circle?
Fly Fishing has played an important role in my life; educating me about the traditions of anglers past, allowing me to encounter untouched areas of the world, and introduced me to the stewardship all anglers share to maintain the rivers and waters we enjoy. The Angler’s Circle embodies these values and brings together individuals from all over who share them.
What advice would you give to a person thinking about joining the AC?
Come visit the museum or reach out to a current member for an afternoon on the water or catch up over a drink to share stories and hear more about us.
What does fly fishing history and the AMFF mean to you?
The history of Fly Fishing, as captured and shared by the AMFF, grows every day. As anglers, we are all contributing what will be past of the sport. The AMFF, and the story of fishing that it tells, allows us to learn about our past to best prepare for the future of angling.

Albert shows off a beautiful salmon.